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Incourage Awards 2013 Scholarships

Mon. Jun 17, 2013

Thanks to the generosity of its donors, Incourage Community Foundation awarded more than $134,000 (191 scholarships) to students pursuing or continuing higher education. Pictured here are recipients of the Bell and WoodTrust Bell scholarships.

Thanks to the generosity of its donors, Incourage Community Foundation awarded more than $134,000 (191 scholarships) to students pursuing or continuing higher education. Pictured here are recipients of the Bell and WoodTrust Bell scholarships.


Wisconsin Rapids, WI, June 11, 2013 … Thanks to the generosity of its donors, Incourage Community Foundation awarded more than $134,000 (191 scholarships) to students pursuing or continuing higher education. The support of the donors is very much appreciated, and Incourage would like to thank them for recognizing the tremendous value and encouraging the pursuit of high education. The donors’ investment in our youth will ensure future leaders for our community.

John Akey Memorial Scholarship
Holly Denfeld, Edgar High School; Katherine Perushek, D.C. Everest High School

American Legion Post 9 Scholarship
Tanner Glaza, Lincoln High School

Helen L. Arndt Scholarship
Connor Dickmann, Cindy Dong, Samuel Elzinga, Jaclyn Lilley, Benjamin Polchowski, Matthew Richmond, John Riley, Emily Schanock, Sarah Stauner, Jonathan Stensberg, Wyatt Tisland, and Taylor Wolf, Lincoln High School

Aspirus Doctors Clinic Scholarship
Torrey Lloyd, Nekoosa High School; Samantha Meddaugh, Lincoln High School

Brent J. Atkinson Memorial Scholarship
Jared Dachel, Nekoosa Academy; Seth Meddaugh, Nekoosa High School

Edna G. Bach Nursing Scholarship
Natalie Berger, Lincoln High School

Elda Bark Memorial Scholarship
Kraig Arndt, Scott Aschebrook, Haley Biolo, Brianna Cole, Linsey Feit, Camden Goetz, Andrew Henke, Matthew Hepp, Shawn Keepers, Samantha Kelly, Mao Khang, Alexander Neeb, John Riley, Andrew Rybicki, Shelby Sell, Cory Sprinkel, Meena Thao, Taylor Wolf, and Alysha Wolosek, Lincoln High School

Tammy Batten Memorial Scholarship
Errin Grosskreutz, Lincoln High School

Bell Family Scholarship
Cami Freeberg and Jenifer Smith, John Edwards High School; Laura Krings, Nekoosa High School

Elinor G. Benkowski Memorial Scholarship
Shelby Steinke, Lincoln High School

Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Billmeyer Memorial Scholarship
Jessica Meza, Assumption High School

John and Karen Bingham Scholarship
Ross Nelson, UW-Oshkosh

Renee J. Bombaci Memorial Scholarship
Stacy Lehman, Lincoln High School

Bridget Bord Memorial Scholarship
Shanna Henriksen, Lincoln High School

James L. Chaffin Memorial Scholarship
Ashley Muehlenkamp, Lincoln High School

Children’s Choice Elementary School Scholarship
Noah Brown and Ashley Muehlenkamp, Lincoln High School

Fred Dahm Memorial Scholarship
Camden Goetz, Lincoln High School

Chuck Davies Scholarship
Kelly Pelot, Rasmussen College

Kathleen Davis Scholarship in memory of her father, Gordon Krubsack
Michelle Kent, Nekoosa High School

Debus Memorial Girl Scout Scholarship
Alexis Brekke, Stevens Point Area Senior High

Dempze Family Scholarship in memory of Gordon and Iris Dempze
Buck Jones, Lincoln High School

Elisa Derickson Fund for Writing
Raefe Gross, Lincoln High School

Bob Des Jarlais Memorial Journalism Scholarship
Kate Vruwink, Lincoln High School

Betty and Bernell Dye Pittsville Memorial Scholarship
Sydney Freedlund, Pittsville High School

Betty and Bernell Dye Tri-City Memorial Scholarship
Elizabeth Hintz, Lincoln High School

Elder Health Care Educational Scholarship – Margaret Timm Boles Memorial
Scott Aschebrook, Lincoln High School

Elks Ladies of Wisconsin Rapids Lodge #693 Scholarship
Jenifer Smith, John Edwards High School

Cathy J. Fehrman Memorial Scholarship
Ashley Muehlenkamp, Lincoln High School

Cathy J. Fehrman Memorial EEN Scholarship
Samantha Strecker, Lincoln High School

Georgia Fenner Memorial Scholarship
Taylor Wolf, Lincoln High School

Lynn and Ruth Feutz Education Scholarship
Ashley Muehlenkamp, Lincoln High School

Marion Fey Nursing Scholarship
Ariana De Las Alas, Lincoln High School

Gene “Butch” Forstner Memorial Scholarship
Joshua Halbersma, Lincoln High School

Dr. Robert “Buck” Gill Scholarship
Matthew Hepp, Lincoln High School

William M. Gleue Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Regis Henke, Lincoln High School

Grand Rapids Fire Department Maynard Keuntjes Memorial Scholarship
Alex Klonowski, Lincoln High School

Gullick/Naze Medical Scholarship
Natalie Berger, Lincoln High School

Dr. Charles W. Gurtler Dental Memorial Scholarhsip
Kelly Gruetzmacher, UM-School of Dentistry

Sherry Gurtler Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Torrey Lloyd, Nekoosa High School

Leonard and LaRayne Guth Family Scholarship
Simon Stevenoski and Nicholas Zurawski, Lincoln High School; Aaron Vruwink, Assumption High School

Earl and Vivian Haefs Assumption Medical Field Scholarship
Sarah Gooderham, Sierra Kniprath, Matthew Passineau, and Taylor Sullivan, Assumption High School

Earl and Vivian Haefs Assumption Medical Field Continuing College Scholarship
Nicholas Buntrock, Carroll University; Rebecca Jackan, St. Norbert College; Matthew Roenius, Marquette University; Catherine Sigler, John Carroll University

John L. and Frances M. Harter Memorial Scholarship
Kayla Franssen, Lincoln High School

Renny Hartje Scholarship
Ryan Darr, Nekoosa High School

Aloysius “Al” Hauck Engineering Scholarship
Gwynna Norton, Lincoln High School

Amy O. Hemming Scholarship
Jamie Whitney, Mid-State Technical College

George Holland Family Baseball Scholarship
Nate Brost, Nekoosa High School

Leo Huber Scholarship
Ryan Darr, Leena Hendrickson, Ketura Luginbuhl, Brie Meddaugh, Bailey Pierce, and Molly Warner, Nekoosa High School

Frank and Illa Ironside Scholarship
Sarah Fernander and Shanna Henriksen, Lincoln High School

Richard “Dick” Kane Memorial Scholarship
Phillip Gurtler, Lincoln High School

Terry Kane Scholarship
Brie Meddaugh, Bailey Pierce, and Molly Warner, Nekoosa High School

Mary Elizabeth Kellogg Memorial Scholarship
Dylan Bender, Michigan Tech; Christopher Cleworth, UW-Stevens Point

David A. Kempfert Memorial Scholarship
Kira Iwinski, Lincoln High School

Kinsey Family Scholarship in memory of Karen Kinsey
Alex Klonowski, Lincoln High School

Kiss-Hartman Scholarship
Joshua Halbersma and Andrew Rybicki, Lincoln High School

Carl C. and Anna Knudsen Scholarship
Linsey Feit, Tanner Glaza, and Shelby Steinke, Lincoln High School

Thomas A. Lenk Memorial Scholarship
Graham Nash, Lincoln High School

Lincoln High School Achievement Award
Zachary Bassuener, Noah Brown, Tabitha Dorshorst, Savannah Guenther, Brennan Hickey, Kailey Nelson, Aaron Thomas, and Mariah Wussow, Lincoln High School

Lincoln High School Class of 1956
Buck Jones, Samantha Kelly, and Jaclyn Lilly, Lincoln High School

Lincoln High School Leadership Scholarship
Cal Thomas, Lincoln High School

Marshfield Clinic Health Care Scholarship
Kira Iwinski, Lincoln High School; Megan Piotrowski, Pittsville High School

Mel Massa Memorial Scholarship
Leena Hendrickson, Nekoosa High School

Lee McCarville Memorial Scholarship
Quinn Hartley, Assumption High School

Mead Elementary School PTC Scholarship
Connor Dickmann, Samantha Kelly, and Sai Thao, Lincoln High School

Helen Mead Veterinary Scholarship
Karla Scheunemann, Lincoln High School

Meils Family Scholarship
Shelby Sell and Dylan Weimer, Lincoln High School

Mid-Towne Dental Associates Community Education Scholarship
Kayla Franssen, Lincoln High School; Bailey Pierce, Nekoosa High School

Monika Moody Memorial Scholarship
Ketura Luginbuhl, Nekoosa High School

Dave Murgatroyd Memorial Scholarship
Shelby Sell, Lincoln High School

Andrew Neitzel “Freak Flag” Scholarship
Alexander Neeb, Lincoln High School

Nekoosa Academy Post-Secondary Initiative Award
Jared Dachel, Nekoosa Academy

Gladys R. Nelson Memorial Scholarship
Shanna Henriksen, Lincoln High School

Ned C. Norton Memorial Scholarship
Tammy Kavulla, John Edwards High School

Mr. O Scholarship
Alysha Wolosek, Lincoln High School

T.P. Olson Engineering Scholarship
Cole Paulsen, UW-La Crosse

Roy E. Peterson Jr. and Vickie (Peterson) Melville Memorial Scholarship
Haley Biolo, Lincoln High School

RC Scholarship
Jacob Covey, Jaclyn Lilley, Zachary Loken, Graham Nash, Matthew Richmond, Tyler Sneen, and Nicholas Zurawski, Lincoln High School

Reyes/Ancel Minority Scholarship
Xa Thao and Sai Thao, Lincoln High School

Louie and Libby Rosandick Community Leadership Scholarship in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary
Casey McCarville, John Edwards High School

Bernard and Marlyce Schmick Scholarship
Sierra Kniprath, Assumption High School

Robert and Mildred Schmidt Memorial Scholarship
Phoenix Rogers, Nekoosa High School

Elaine Semrow Health Education Scholarship
Natalie Berger, Lincoln High School

Robert Shaw, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Scott Aschebrook, Lincoln High School

Snyder 4-H Scholarship in honor of Ed and Shirley Vruwink
Cory Sprinkel, Lincoln High School

Ray Speltz Memorial Music Scholarship
Cami Freeberg, John Edwards High School

John and Judy Steel Minority Scholarship
Meena Thao, Lincoln High School

Sunrise Rotary Club of Wisconsin Rapids Scholarship
Calen Terry, John Edwards High School

Dr. John and Germaine Thompson Good Citizenship Award
Brie Meddaugh and Phoenix Rogers, Nekoosa High School

Jesse D. Tillery and Matthew T. Grimm Memorial Scholarship
Sarah Gooderham, Assumption High School; Phillip Gurtler, Lincoln High School

John Todd Family Scholarship
Magdaline Schutz, St. Norbert College

Mitchell G. Tomfohrde Memorial Scholarship
John Riley, Lincoln High School

Traci Urban Memorial Scholarship
Camden Goetz, Lincoln High School

Romeo and Margaret Villeneuve Family Scholarship
Andrew Rybicki, Lincoln High School

Ernie Vogler Memorial Scholarship
Stacy Lehman, Lincoln High School

Voigtman Family Scholarship
Cory Sprinkel, Lincoln High School

Edward W. and Shirley J. Vruwink Scholarship
Danielle Holtz, Lincoln High School

Luke Weiland Memorial Scholarship
James Jansen, Lincoln High School

James H. Wenzlaff Scholarship
Jamie Schiesser and Samantha Strecker, Lincoln High School

Brian Wilhelm Memorial Scholarship
Tanner Glaza, Lincoln High School

Herbert Williams Future Education Scholarship
Jenna Reas, John Edwards High School

Wisconsin Rapids Optimist Club Scholarship
Sarah Byom, Tanner Glaza, and Thomas Provost, Lincoln High School

Wisconsin Rapids Youth Tackle Football & Cheerleading Scholarship
Aaron Vruwink, Assumption High School

Wisconsin Women’s Alliance Scholarship
Torrey Lloyd, Nekoosa High School

Art Wittenberg Scholarship
Ryan Darr, Nekoosa High School; Justin Schraeder, John Edwards High School

Russ Wolff Memorial Scholarship
Errin Grosskreutz, Lincoln High School

Earl and Ellen Young Memorial Endowment Scholarship
Martha Hokamp, Assumption High School;Hailey Humphrey, Nekoosa High School; Maisie Langholff and Ariana Vruwink, Lincoln High School

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  • About Incourage

    Established in rural Wisconsin in 1994 to serve the changing needs of the south Wood County area, Incourage has become a nationally-recognized leader in place-based philanthropy and community development. Guided by values of equity, opportunity, and shared stewardship, Incourage envisions a community that works well for all people. One physical manifestation of this vision is the redevelopment of the Tribune building, which demonstrates Incourage’s user-centered approach to growing a strong and inclusive local economy.