Relationships matter.
We believe our relationship to one another is the real work of building community. Our efforts and our futures are connected because we share the same place. Identifying, nurturing and investing in relationships has become central to Incourage’s work – relationships that understand difference, are anchored in mutual respect and support common purpose.
Relationships may seem ‘soft’ and not essential in growing an innovative, entrepreneurial and inclusive economy. However, research supports – and we have experienced – that the quality of relationships and networks in community is directly correlated to the rate and pace of positive change.
Workforce Central, Tribune, Blueprints for Tomorrow, and many other Incourage-led efforts to grow the local economy embody the principles of quality relationships built on trust. View this Impact Snapshot, which highlights just a few examples of successful efforts made stronger through intentional investments in relationships with shared purpose.
A new economy – much like quality, trusting relationships and networks – is not created overnight. Incourage understands this. With patience, perseverance and long-term thinking, we will grow a strong, local economy that works well and provides opportunities for all who choose to pursue them.
But, we cannot and should not do it alone.
Please join us. Invest your time, talent and/or financial resources in south Wood County. By investing in Incourage, you directly invest in our community and our shared future.
From all of us at Incourage, we wish you and yours the very best this holiday season.
With gratitude and commitment,

Kelly Ryan Kristopher Gasch
CEO Board Chair
We’d love to
hear from you.