In this issue read:
- From the CEO
- Tribune Building Project Update
- Learn More
- Resident Profile – Kent and Karen Kehus
- In The News
- Mark Your Calendar
From the CEO
Trust, Transparency, and Shared Responsibility
Read the latest from Kelly Ryan, Incourage President and CEO, and learn how the Tribune Building Project represents a new approach to community development. We’re interested to hear your thoughts. Please read and share.

Tribune Building Project Update
Advancing Artists Gather in south Wood County
In January, Incourage announced an open competition for permanent art installations at the Tribune Building. On February 24-25, 13 of the 17 advancing artist/artist teams gathered in south Wood County to learn more about the Project and our community. Artistic collaboration and exploration of the site were encouraged in preparation for the artists’ final proposals. This opportunity is made possible by an ArtPlace America Creative Placemaking grant Incourage received for the Project in June 2014. Final submissions are due March 12, with decisions to follow.

Learn More
Local food and our economy
March is National Nutrition Month. Do you know where your food comes from?
Fresh local food is not only healthy for the consumer, but for the local economy, as well. Central Rivers Farmshed, Wisconsin Rapids Mall, and Get Active Wood County have partnered together to encourage people to buy locally grown foods by working with the Wood County Farmers Market.
Vital Signs, an Incourage commissioned publication, has a lot of information about local food in the south Wood County area. Check out Vital Signs online, and learn more how health, food and economic activity are connected.

Environmental Sustainability in Tribune Building
Since residents began meeting in 2013 to discuss the Tribune Building’s future, integrating environmental sustainability into its design has been at the top of the list. During the design phase, residents provided valuable input, identifying key outcomes:
- The design should aim to be as sustainable as possible, providing a model for sustainability in the community;
- The design should incorporate: elements that connect with nature (biophilic), efficient fixtures, passive design features, and solar panels.
Incorporating environmental sustainability into the Project can deliver broad community benefit, says Steven Bingler, Principal with Concordia, Incourage’s partner in the Tribune Building Project. “Residents have a certain wisdom about looking long-term. Because it’s a community building, they don’t assume that this building is being built for five or 10 years from now.”
Incourage’s Tribune Building Project Manager Chelsey Mazurek sees great value in this long-term vision. “One of the things that sets us apart as a community foundation is our ability to take a long-term view. So while sustainable features do cost more up front, these features will save us money in the long run.”
Incorporating sustainability into the Project brings three areas together, says Concordia Senior Project Manager Graham Hill. “The Project is the convergence of people involved and people in the community. It’s convergence of awareness of our planet through sustainability. And it‘s the convergence of prosperity in creating of a new local economy that is diversified and supports the creation of local jobs and enhances people’s lives in the region by bringing more resources and more local wealth.”

In the near future, you’ll hear more about specific sustainability strategies being incorporated into the Project, as well as the benefit each delivers to our community. In the meantime, please view this new, three-minute segment of Are You In? to learn more from Graham Hill and Steven Bingler.
Resident Profile – Kent and Karen Kehus
Grand Rapids residents Kent and Karen Kehus jumped at the chance to be a part of the Tribune Building Project from the very beginning. They both saw a rare and unique opportunity to be directly involved in a community development project.
“We saw it as the opportunity of a lifetime,” the couple said. “We were hooked after the first meeting and knew we would stay involved throughout the life cycle of the Project. We have learned that if you have a vision, direction, and community involvement, anything is possible.”
For Kent and Karen, the Project has driven their excitement and involvement in the community, attending various City meetings. They are quick to share their involvement with the Tribune Building Project at clubs and organizations, emphasizing the positivity and sense of community they experienced throughout the entire process. They are eager to continue the conversation, as well.
“We think it is important that discussions continue between meetings. We are ambassadors to the community for this project and have encouraged other people to become involved.”
You can get involved by joining residents, Kent and Karen, and Team Incourage at the next meeting on April 14.

Photo contributed by Kent and Karen Kehus
In The News
For Young Adults, Tribune Building means revitalization
On March 9, Daily Tribune Media published an article featuring young adults involved with the Tribune Building Project and their excitement for the future. You can read the article here.
Mark Your Calendar
Tribune Building Meeting
April 14 | 5:30 – 7:30pm
Are You In?
Check out our newest episodes:
Are You In? Youth Apprentices (First Air: 2/24/15)
At south Wood County high schools, the Youth Apprentice program combines school curriculum with job experience for area high school students.
Are You In? Environmental Sustainability & the Tribune Building (First Air: 3/4/15)
Learn about the importance of integrating environmental sustainability into the Tribune Building Project as well as the positive impact it will have on our community’s future.
We’d love to
hear from you.