In this issue read:
- Join Us! Fourth Annual Community Picnic
- Pointe Precision Earns National Award
- Tribune Building Project Update
- What’s Your Story?
- Resident Profile – Steve & Jeanne Grant
- Mark Your Calendars
Join Us! Fourth Annual Community Picnic
On Wednesday, August 5, please join us at the fourth annual Community Picnic presented by Incourage. It will be held in downtown Wisconsin Rapids from 4:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., along 1st Avenue South and Johnson Street, with kids’ activities in the Tribune building parking lot. Enjoy local food, beverages, entertainment, and family fun offered at no charge! The Community Picnic is helping to realize the vision of a community that works well for all people – where one neighbor leads to another, connections are made, relationships are fostered, and opportunities to work together are realized. The Community Picnic promotes a spirit of connectedness in an open and inclusive setting.
The generosity for and engagement in the Community Picnic has grown significantly over the last several years. The portion of donated products and services has doubled and the number of volunteer hours have tripled! The first Community Picnic, held in 2012, had approximately 1,000 attendees, and we’re anticipating 4,500 residents this year.
Be a Picnic Volunteer
The Community Picnic would not be possible without the time and dedication of community volunteers like you! If you are willing to volunteer this year, or someone you know is interested, we would greatly appreciate the support. Volunteers must be 13 years or older. You can sign up here or email [email protected]. Recruit a friend and volunteer together!

Pointe Precision Earns National Award
Pointe Precision, a member of Incourage’s Manufacturing Partnership, was recently recognized for its proactive youth apprenticeship program, earning national recognition as a Young Adult Employer Champion from the National Fund for Workforce Solutions (NFWS). Since 2008, Incourage has invested significantly in workforce development. Its Manufacturing Partnership nominated Pointe Precision for the award based on Pointe Precision’s pioneering work in creating youth apprenticeships within central Wisconsin’s manufacturing sector. “Pointe Precision exemplifies the importance of local ownership and the strategic value of investing in workforce,” noted Incourage President and CEO Kelly Ryan. “It was a privilege to spend time with the Pointe Precision team at the National Fund’s annual meeting, and to observe how consistent their behaviors are in regard to valuing human talent as a driver to business success.”Read the full story here.
Tribune Building Project Update
Progress Continues
As a special invitation to the community, Incourage has planned a series of pre-construction tours of the Tribune building hosted by Helen Jungwirth, former Incourage Board Chair and retired publisher of the Daily Tribune. If you’ve not yet had an opportunity to tour the building and learn about its rich history, as well as plans for the future, please plan to attend on Saturday, July 25 at 10:00 a.m. or Wednesday, August 12 at 5:30 p.m.. Space is limited; RSVP via or call 715.423.3863.
As another special invitation, we invite you to contact Incourage to request a “Tribune 101” presentation to your network of friends and family, community organization, or workplace. Since purchase in December 2012, the Tribune Building Project has always been about so much more than the building. Hear from Incourage staff and engaged residents about the Project’s origin, progress made together, and plans for the future. With construction beginning this Fall, there are still plenty of opportunities – like learning events and planning meetings – to become involved before the building opens in Fall 2016. What better way to become informed and get excited about the future, than to hear from neighbors who’ve been involved? To request a presentation, email[email protected] or call 715.423.3863.
What’s Your Story?
The south Wood County community is changing, and it is the people who are making change happen. Our choices, experiences, and personal histories make us unique, and sharing our stories has the power to connect us. Celebrate our community, each other, and what it means to share this place. Whether your story is one of triumph or struggle, sharing it can build and strengthen relationships and inspire others. Together, we can shape our future. Visit and tell your story today.

Resident Profile – Steve & Jeanne Grant
If you’re looking for Grand Rapids residents Steve and Jeanne Grant this summer, try catching them at a Rafters game, where they’ll likely be rooting on the player they host throughout the summer. You could also attend a Tribune engagement – they have been involved since the very first meeting!
Steve and Jeanne toured the Tribune building in the summer of 2013, and were excited about the prospects of what the building could do for our area. Once the Tribune Building Project public meetings began that October, they were inspired to become more engaged with the resident-centered planning process. Steve volunteered as a table host, and now works very closely with the Microbrewery interest group, recently participating with other residents in an informational discussion and site visit at O’so Brewing Company.
“We connected with other people who have similar interests to ours,” Steve said. “We are all excited about the Project and the difference it can make in the community. It’s a new way of doing business…people are excited to make meaningful contributions to our community.”
It’s never too late to engage in the process. “Involving so many people in making a community decision seems daunting, but broken down step by step, it is so achievable,” Jeanne said.
You can get involved by joining Steve and Jeanne, other residents and Team Incourage at continued engagement and learning opportunities this summer – like the building tours offered in July and August. Like Steve and Jeanne say, the positive energy is contagious, and time is well spent and meaningful!

Jeanne and Steve at a Tribune Building Project meeting last July. Photo by Carol Davis.
Mark Your Calendars
Helen’s Zoo House
Funding provided by Helen Mead Designated Fund for the Benefit of Wisconsin Rapids Zoo, 1911 Gaynor Ave. All programs are free, open to the public, and provide interactive fun for families.
Tuesday, August 11 | 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
David Stokes Summer Wildlife Show – Nature’s Biggest, Strongest, Smelliest
Are You In?
Are You In? “Community Connections through Downtown Cinema” (First Air: 6/30/15)
Incourage believes in – and invests in – a vibrant downtown Wisconsin Rapids. That includes supporting events that bring the community together, and are accessible to all. Downtown Classic Cinema, a once-a-year outdoor theater, is one of these events.
Are You In? “Helen’s Zoo for You” (First Air:7/10/15)
At Helen’s Zoo House, young and old alike gathered for a unique learning event, made possible by the generosity and vision of a donor who invested in the community through Incourage.
We’d love to
hear from you.