State Budget Announcement
We learned yesterday that funding for the Tribune Building Project will not be included in the state budget that will be voted on by the legislature in the next few weeks. While we are disappointed by this result, we believe it is important to reflect on what we have accomplished:
- We increased awareness throughout the state about the needs of our region.
- State Representative Scott Krug stepped forward as a supporter of this effort and was our champion in working to advance our funding request. You can read a statement from his office here. Please call or email his office to thank him for his efforts, and offer your support in working with him as we continue to explore other funding avenues ([email protected] & 608-266-0215).
- State Senator Patrick Testin has also become better acquainted with our work and with the Tribune Building Project – please thank him as well and urge him to stay engaged with our efforts ([email protected] & 608-266-3123).
The good news is, we are continuing a series of productive discussions with several state agencies that have responsibility for community and economic development. Our work resonates with them. One of the things that has become clear through this process is the importance of residents and organizations cultivating relationships with our elected officials and state agencies, with a long-term view of what our potential partnerships may bring.
We will keep moving ahead to explore other avenues to secure the financing we need for the Tribune Building Project and will continue to strengthen relationships in Madison as well as locally.
THANK YOU for your support and advocacy throughout this process. We hope to see you on Tuesday, September 12, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Centralia Center for the next Tribune Building Public Meeting – RSVP here.

We’d love to
hear from you.