
News & Media

Letter: Get on Board to Help Nonprofits

Mon. Mar 12, 2012

By: Dawn Vruwink

Do you love your community and want to become more involved? Would you consider becoming a nonprofit board member, but first want to know more?

If so, Incourage Community Foundation is offering a workshop that will help you become the best board member you can be.

Incourage is offering Get on Board! a training session geared toward people who have never served on a nonprofit board before. It takes place Tuesday, March 20, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Hotel Mead. Cost is $15. The session will cover questions to ask before joining a board; basic board roles and responsibilities; the board/staff partnership; and understanding boardroom dynamics. This workshop is open to the public.

Back by popular demand is our presenter, governance expert Chuck Loring, of Loring, Sternberg & Associates, and senior governance consultant with BoardSource. Chuck is a dynamic speaker who has helped hundreds of nonprofits nationwide improve their governance.

Register for this session by calling 715.423.3863.

The future of a healthy community depends on a vibrant nonprofit sector; our local organizations need individuals willing to lead. I hope to see you on March 20.

Dawn Vruwink of Incourage Community Foundation, Wisconsin Rapids

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    Hello@incouragecf.org | 715.423.3863
  • About Incourage

    Established in rural Wisconsin in 1994 to serve the changing needs of the south Wood County area, Incourage has become a nationally-recognized leader in place-based philanthropy and community development. Guided by values of equity, opportunity, and shared stewardship, Incourage envisions a community that works well for all people. One physical manifestation of this vision is the redevelopment of the Tribune building, which demonstrates Incourage’s user-centered approach to growing a strong and inclusive local economy.