
Incouraged to Take a Risk

Incouraged to Take a Risk

Many great ideas and dreams never see the light of day. People won’t take the risk.

So when the idea of an all-access playground was brought up by a group of community members, there were dozens of reasons to say, “No, we can’t do that.”

But children of all abilities deserve a place to play.

So the community members formed the All Children Together (ACT) Playground Committee, taking on a $200,000 project while an economic recession raged.

“You’d get discouraged sometimes,” acknowledged Ann Warning, committee chair.

“You didn’t know if it was ever going to happen. Keeping excitement and momentum going got a little difficult at times.

“We were able to accomplish this project because of our connection with the Community Foundation. We didn’t have the knowledge or expertise,” she said.

In addition to guidance, Incourage Community Foundation provided a $7,500 grant that purchased equipment and a special surface that makes it easier for people in wheelchairs and walkers to move.

The ACT Committee raised more than $210,000 through fundraisers, grants and private donations. This included a $25,000 grant from the Hartley Barker Memorial Fund for Youth held at Incourage. That put it over goal.

Now, children and parents of all abilities are playing together.

And that’s a risk worth taking.