
Joy-filled Lives

Joy-filled Lives

Nip and Don Schill’s lives were filled with music, joy and a love for their hometown.

From the moment Don and Nip met in high school, when Nip told her friend that she had found the man she was going to marry, to the day she died, her biggest enjoyments came from being with her family and friends, being involved in the community, and filling their lives with music.

The Donald and Nip Schill Family Fund recognizes and celebrates that love.

“My mom and dad loved this community very much,” said Kathleen Krueger, their daughter. “It is very fitting that their fund will carry on their legacy by helping their hometown.”

The Schill Fund is a Community Grant Fund. This type of fund provides long-term resources that give Incourage the flexibility to respond to the changing and emerging needs of the greater south Wood County region, including those needs highlighted in Vital Signs. When Don passed away in February last year, many of the memorial gifts were directed to their family fund.

Kathleen emphasized, “My family knows that this fund will provide help where needed. And who knows the needs of the community better than Incourage?”